Basant Panchami Yellow Vegetables And Fruits Know Health Benefits

Basant Panchami Yellow Vegetables And Fruits Know Health Benefits

Yellow Foods: The festival of Basant Panchami is celebrated as the birthday of Mother Saraswati. Worshiping Goddess Saraswati has special significance on this day. Basant Panchami marks the change of seasons and the beginning of spring. The beginning of the spring season is considered from the day of Basant Panchami. Yellow color has special significance on Panchami. People worship Mother Saraswati by wearing yellow colored clothes. Although each color has its own significance, but on Basant Panchami everything yellow is considered auspicious, be it yellow fruits or vegetables.

The amount of nutritional elements is more in yellow foods. They are rich in antioxidants like carotenoids and bioflavonoids and they are also rich in vitamin C. Below we are going to mention some yellow colored fruits and vegetables, which have many health benefits.


Pineapple is a tasty and healthy fruit, which is rich in many nutrients and antioxidants. There are many such elements in it, which work to protect against inflammation and diseases. Antioxidants – flavonoids and phenolic compounds have been shown to have cardiovascular protective effects. The fruit is also rich in elements like bromelain, which reduces the risk of cancer by reducing stress and inflammation. Pineapple is a tropical fruit. This helps in improving digestion. Strengthens immunity. Also, helps in quick recovery from any operation. Pineapple is de-bloating and is effective in getting rid of water retention with the help of minerals like potassium.


Pumpkin is very low in calories. This creeper veggie is rich in fiber, which keeps your stomach healthy. A high amount of Vitamin A is found in it. Apart from beta carotene, pumpkin is also rich in vitamins C, E, iron and folate. It is also helpful in strengthening the immune system. The deep yellow color of pumpkin indicates that it is a potassium-rich vegetable. It plays an important role in reducing blood pressure as well as increasing the level of HDL cholesterol.


Corn rich in Vitamin C works to strengthen your brain power. While niacin is helpful in reducing the level of bad cholesterol. Corn also has antioxidant properties, which help protect your cells from damage and prevent diseases like heart disease and cancer. Yellow Corn is a good source of lutein, carotenoids and zeaxanthin. It is a better option for eye health and also helps in preventing further damage to the lens, which leads to cataracts.

yellow bell pepper

Yellow capsicum is used for flavoring salads and pasta. It is a very nutritious vegetable, which is rich in antioxidants known as carotenoids. Yellow capsicum works to reduce inflammation. It also reduces the risk of cancer and can protect cholesterol and fat from oxidative damage.


Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. These help in easing digestion and relieving various gastric issues including constipation. β€˜Resistant Starch’ is a type of prebiotic fiber found in raw bananas, which is helpful in keeping the gut healthy. The amount of calories in it is less, so it is also effective in weight loss.

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